This page provides satellite weather imagery resources related to the remote sensing of active weather systems and educational resources for teachers. While not a comprehensive listing, it does provide paths to some of the better weather imagery sites on the internet. Many of the sources provide real time satellite views of the earth.
Our Favorite Satellite Weather Picture Sites
Other Weather Satellite Links:
Geostationary Operational Meteorological Satellite (GOMS) data (Russian)
METEOSAT weather satellite images from The University of Nottingham
Other weather links from the University of Nottingham
Polar Orbiter imagery
from WTOC TV Savannah Georgia
Significant Tropical Storms Worldwide from the American Legion Post 119 - Gulfport Mississippi.
Dundee weather satellite receiving station (Polar Obiters)
National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service (NESDIS) - geostationary satellite browse server (has NOAA, GMS, and METEOSAT data)
NESDIS - geostationary satellite browse server - special sectors
NOAA Satellite Services Division - Contains imagery schedules and bulletins
The Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) -- Lots of products etc.
NASA involvement in the GOES project
FTP Mirror Sites of University of Hawaii data:
NASA Global Hydrology and Climate Center satellite server.
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
NASA Ames Research Center
University College London
This is hardly a complete list of weather resources but the following sources answer many users questions:
NOAA NESDIS Direct Services Division -
Navigation, operating schedules, late news about NOAA satellites, and
technical publications
Weather satellite educational links
Ftp site to images and programs
Two line elements (TLE's)
Archived TBUS messages since 1983 - archive from Japan
NOAa satellite's GEOmetric correction imagery system (NOAGEO)
Responsible Official: Dr. James L. Smoot (James.L.Smoot@nasa.gov)
Page Curator: Paul J. Meyer (paul.meyer@msfc.nasa.gov)