George C. Marshall Space Flight Center
Earth Science Branch

GOES Advanced Baseline Imager Applications Programmers Interface

We are providing the capability for you to add links to your favorite satellite maps on your personal web pages or bookmarks. Several examples are provided, all you need to do is mimic these links and choose your location of interest. We are making the assumption that you have some knowledge of the HTML language.

Protocol specification for obtaining sectorized weather satellite maps

NOTE: All option settings are case sensitive.

Base URL to the API

NOTE:::: The "info=" keyword, value pair is not valid for this API, the feature it provided is now handled within the satellite keyword value. If you previously used the older API for GOES 13-15, then please remove the "info=..." from your URL.

Mandatory settings with arguments and no default values.

satellite= GOESEastconusband02   GOES-East 0.64 µm CONUS
GOESEastconusband05   GOES-East 1.61 µm CONUS
GOESEastconusband08   GOES-East 6.19 µm CONUS
GOESEastconusband13   GOES-East 10.35 µm CONUS
GOESEastconusband14   GOES-East 11.20 µm CONUS
GOESEastfullDiskband02   GOES-East 0.64 µm Full Disk
GOESEastfullDiskband05   GOES-East 1.61 µm Full Disk
GOESEastfullDiskband08   GOES-East 6.19 µm Full Disk
GOESEastfullDiskband13   GOES-East 10.35 µm Full Disk
GOESEastfullDiskband14   GOES-East 11.20 µm Full Disk

GOESWestconusband02   GOES-West 0.64 µm CONUS
GOESWestconusband05   GOES-West 1.61 µm CONUS
GOESWestconusband08   GOES-West 6.19 µm CONUS
GOESWestconusband13   GOES-West 10.35 µm CONUS
GOESWestconusband14   GOES-West 11.20 µm CONUS
GOESWestfullDiskband02   GOES-West 0.64 µm Full Disk
GOESWestfullDiskband05   GOES-West 1.61 µm Full Disk
GOESWestfullDiskband08   GOES-West 6.19 µm Full Disk
GOESWestfullDiskband13   GOES-West 10.35 µm Full Disk
GOESWestfullDiskband14   GOES-West 11.20 µm Full Disk
x, lon= depends on size of image and the satellite (longitudes are negative in the western hemisphere (for example, North America) - use the satellite links above to determine x, or lon)
y, lat= depends on size of image and the satellite (latitudes are negative in the southern hemisphere (for example, South America) - use the satellite links above to determine y, or lat)

Options with arguments and their default values.

Default values specified with other allowed values listed in { }

map= standard, {county, none} (not all maps available for a satellite)
zoom= 1, {2, 4}
past= 0, {1-50} (get the nth image ago)
  • IR: ir1.pal, {ir[2-10].pal}
  • WV: wv1.pal, {wv[2-6].pal}
colorbar= 0 (no), 1 (yes) (Display color bar? Only valid for palette=ir1.pal)
mapcolor= black, {red, green, blue, cyan, gray, orange, yellow, magenta, white}
quality= 75, {25-100} (Image quality. A value of 55 has artifacts but fast download; 100 equates to no artifacts but slower download)
width= 800, {200-1400}
height= 600, {100-1000}
type= Image, {Animation}
numframes= 6 {1-50} (Used in conjunction with type=Animation and overview)


GOES East Continental United States, 0.64 µm
Visible image centered over North Alabama with resolution reduction of 2, output image quality of 100%, 650x450 pixels, default map color and style. This channel is useful for understanding daytime clouds, fog, insolation and winds.
GOES East Continental United States, 6.19 µm
Image that is used for: High-level atmospheric water vapor, winds and rainfall. In this case, the image is centered over Texas, has a width and height of 800x600 pixels, reduces native resolution by a factor of 2 and has had the wv2 palette applied.
GOES East Full Disk, 11.20 µm
Infrared image for sea surface temperature, clouds, and rainfall. In this case, the image is centered over Panama, has a width and height of 1000x800 pixels, reduces native resolution by a factor of 4 and has had the ir2 palette applied.
GOES East Full Disk, 11.20 µm with Animation
A ten-frame animation example of the 11.20 µm infrared image for sea surface temperature, clouds, and rainfall. In this case, the image is centered over the Bahamas, has a width and height of 800x800 pixels, reduces native resolution by a factor of 4, default quality and has had the ir2 palette applied.
GOES West Continental United States, 0.64 µm
Visible image centered over San Francisco Bar with resolution reduction of 2, output image quality of 100%, 650x450 pixels, map color yellow. This channel is useful for understanding daytime clouds, fog, insolation and winds.
GOES West Continental United States, 6.19 µm
Image that is used for: High-level atmospheric water vapor, winds and rainfall. In this case, the image is centered over Nevada, has a width and height of 800x600 pixels, reduces native resolution by a factor of 2 and has had the wv2 palette applied.
GOES West Full Disk, 11.20 µm
Infrared image for sea surface temperature, clouds, and rainfall. In this case, the image is centered over Hawaii, has a width and height of 1000x800 pixels, reduces native resolution by a factor of 4 and has had the ir2 palette applied.
GOES West Full Disk, 11.20 µm with Animation
A ten-frame animation example of the 11.20 µm infrared image for sea surface temperature, clouds, and rainfall. In this case, the image is centered over the East Pacific Ocean, has a width and height of 800x800 pixels, reduces native resolution by a factor of 4, default quality and has had the ir2 palette applied.

Responsible Official: Dr. Gary Jedlovec (
Technical Contact: Paul J. Meyer (

Last Updated: February 12, 2019