The goal of this module is to introduce the Nighttime Microphysics (or NtMicro) RGB product and its associated components in order to provide the user with an understanding of how it complements known applications to Air Quality (AQ) and aerosol short-term forecasts where single channel imagery and derived satellite products have traditionally been applied. The NtMicro RGB has significantly improved cloud analysis, particularly for low cloud and fog detection, which also enhances awareness of where aerosol and air quality analysis issues may occur. After details about the NtMicro RGB itself, the learner is provided its application to low clouds and fog analysis as it relates to the anticipation of limitations by derived AOD and air quality forecasts.
Author (s): Kevin Fuell (UAH), Aaron Naeger (UAH)
Contact Time: 30 minutes
Location: Hindu Kush / Himalaya region
Date of event(s): January 2022
SPoRT Group/Theme: Health and Air Quality
Topic Area(s): Aerosols and Trace Gases, Cloud/Atmosphere
Product Type: Imagery/RGB