Hyperspectral Sounders

Satellite soundings measure vertical profiles of the
atmosphere, so that scientists and weather forecasters can
see the temperature, humidity, and trace gas concentrations
at different pressure levels/heights. Soundings are
different from other visible and infrared satellite imagery,
which cannot “see” through clouds and can only make one
image. Research
applications include short-term severe weather
prediction, studying fire weather, and monitoring the long
range transport of smoke.
NUCAPS and CLIMCAPS are sister algorithms that are used to
convert the raw satellite signal to meaningful data. NUCAPS
is primarily used for real-time processing of satellite
soundings; the data are released to the public up to 30 mins
after an overpass through direct broadcast. CLIMCAPS was
developed to to generate a long-term data record to study
the feedbacks and processes of the climate system. Spanning
over 20 years, CLIMCAPS provides continuity across
instruments, from
Supplement radiosondes with wide swaths of model-independent soundings from the NOAA-20 and Suomi NPP satellites, multiple times during the day.
Observational tool to increase situational awareness of environmental characteristics that lead to the development or dissipation of extreme weather/events
Provide a long-term record of moisture, and trace gas observations in the atmosphere.
Research and Applications

Cold air airloft

Pre-convective Environment

Fire Weather

Air Quality

Tropical Cyclones Saharan Air Layer

Hurricane Extratropical Transition

Rapid Cyclogenesis and High Winds
NASA SPoRT Background & Collaboration
The SPoRT Center was established in 2002 for transitioning unique satellite observations and research capabilities to end users to improve short term forecasting and decision support. SPoRT team members work within a research to operations/operations to research paradigm to introduce experimental products to the operational environment via active involvement of end users. Involving the end users in the process ensures the products being developed by the researchers meet the end users' needs.
JPSS Proving Ground and Risk Reduction Program
The JPSS Proving Ground and Risk Reduction (PGRR) program was established in 2012 and its primary objective is to develop and enhance user applications of Suomi NPP and NOAA-20 data, algorithms and products. The PGRR supports user demonstration by stimulating interactions between technical experts from the JPSS Program, university partners and key user stakeholders. The PGRR has strategically invested in multiple projects to maximize the benefits of the use of current JPSS capabilities and identify new ways of using JPSS data operationally.
NUCAPS Work funded by the NOAA Joint Polar Satellite System Proving Ground/Risk Reduction Program.