Obtaining Data

Data Access

Below are a list of portals where data can be accessed in real-time ordered from data archives. In addition to the official NASA and NOAA DAACS, access has been kindly provided by partnering institutions to serve the community. For assistance on how to rder the data, refer to the CLASS tutorial on our training page. Code to read, visualize, and analyze sounding datasets are also available an external GitHub page.

Name Algorithm Satellites Domain Description
MetOp A
MetOp B
Global Official data access portal for the NUCAPS archive, with a latency of 2-3 hours. Data from MetOp satellites can be assessed under the IASI menu and is referred to as the IASI L2 product.
Global Official data access portal for the CLIMCAPS archive, with a latency of 2 months.
NASA GESDISC AIRS V6 AQUA Global Soundings from the AIRS Science Team Algorithm.
NASA LANCE AIRS V6 AQUA Global Soundings from the AIRS Science Team Algorithm in near-real time, with a lacency of 3 hours or less.
Wisconsin FTP NUCAPS NOAA-20
CONUS Uses the Direct Broadcast antenna network to obtain the Level 1 sounding data immediately following an overpass of the site. Once downloaded, the Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP) software is run locally to produce NUCAPS in real-time. The University of Wisconsin provides for CONUS through their ftp site.
GINA Direct Broadcast NUCAPS NOAA-20
Arctic Same as above. Geographic Information Network of Alaska (GINA) in the University of Alaska shares polar NUCAPS data their ftp site. NUCAPS data is accessible by selecting Levels → 'nucaps_level2'
Wisconsin Bolt NUCAPS NOAA-20
MetOp A
MetOp B
Global Same as above. The University of Wisconsin provides for CONUS through their http site.
CLIMCAPS work funded by NASA, grant award number 80NSSC18K0975.
NUCAPS Work funded by the NOAA Joint Polar Satellite System Proving Ground/Risk Reduction Program.