
Blog Posts

Below are a list of blogs that feature case studies of NUCAPS. Contributions are authored by both scientists and weather forecasters.

Blogs featuring NUCAPS
HWT Satellite Proving Ground Highlights severe weather case studies from current and past Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT) demonstrations.
NSSL Experimental Warning Program Documents daily operations during real-time experiments, including problems, successes, and thoughts of the forecasters and researchers involved. Cross posts from HWT blog (linked above).
CIMSS Satellite Showcases interesting or educational satellite images that are relevant to recent weather events.
NASA/SPoRT Facilitates dialog and an exchange of information on the real-time use of NASA data and research technologies to improve short-term weather forecasting.
CIRA VISIT training Opens the doors of communication between the Operational, Academic and Training Meteorology communities.
JPSS SDOC Event catalog related to each incident that was coordinated by the Satellite-based Disaster Outreach Coordinator (SDOC) JPSS Proving Ground RR project.
CLIMCAPS work funded by NASA, grant award number 80NSSC18K0975.
NUCAPS Work funded by the NOAA Joint Polar Satellite System Proving Ground/Risk Reduction Program.