Tropical Cyclone Modeling and Data Assimilation

TROPICS Early Adopters with a tropical cyclone modeling and data assimilation focus seek to integrate high-frequency microwave observations from TROPICS into both global and regional numerical models. Since assimilation off clear-sky passive microwave observations has been shown to have the largest impact on numerical weather prediction, TROPICS has the potential to provide significant improvements not only to tropical cyclone forecasts, but to general global numerical weather prediction.

Zhaoxia Pu
University of Utah

Steve Swadley
Song Yang

Naval Research Laboratory

Niels Bormann
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts

Philippe Chambon

Marielle Gosset
Le laboratoire Géoscience et Environnement de Toulouse à l’Observatoire Midi Pyrénées

Isaac Moradi
University of Maryland, Goddard Space Flight Center, Global Modeling and Assimilation Office

Sid Boukabara
Kevin Garrett
Ronald Adomako


John Xun Yang
University of Maryland

Joe Munchak
Jeff Steward
Ricky Roy

In-Hyuk Kwon
Sihye Lee

Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems

Benjamin Ruston
University Corporation for Atmopsheric Research

Zeting Li
Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology

Technical Contact: Dr. Patrick Duran (
Responsible Official: Dr. Andrew Molthan (
Page Curator: Dr. Patrick Duran (