Red, Green, Blue (RGB) Products
The Red, Green, Blue (RGB) Products are demonstration products for use in the GOES-R Proving Ground. Combining MODIS data with EUMETSATS best practices for RGB imagery, this product suite demonstrates potential products available with the Advanced Baseline Imager. For more details on any product, click the link at the bottom of each card below. To see actual real-time data, click the link at the bottom right of the card.
For more information, see the RGB Overview at the bottom of this page.

MODIS Air Mass
Used to detect moisture, cloud cover, and synoptic-scale features associated with air masses.
RGB Overview
SPoRT is developing a suite of products from MODIS in order to demonstrate future capabilities of the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI), the next generation of visible and infrared sensor to be carried aboard the GOES-R series of geostationary satellites beginning as early as 2015. The ABI will improve the spatial and temporal resolution of the visible and infrared channels currently available on GOES while also adding ten new spectral bands. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard the NASA polar-orbiting Terra and Aqua satellites currently provides capabilities similar to the future ABI instrument by providing high resolution visible and infrared imagery, in addition to 36 unique spectral bands, many overlapping future ABI channels. To improve the use of additional spectral bands in the GOES-R era, SPoRT is developing additional false color, or "RGB" composites from MODIS data to demonstrate future GOES-R capabilities. Several RGB composite products have been developed by the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) with demonstrated applications for their SEVIRI instrument flown aboard Meteosat-9. EUMETSAT has developed a series of products and recipes that can be applied to MODIS to demonstrate new applications of multispectral data and to prepare forecasters for the GOES-R era.