SPoRT Seminars
Periodically, SPoRT hosts visitors to learn more about our program and team as well as to discuss opportunities for future collaboration. Typically, during these visits, the guest will present a seminar outlining his or her current work to help provide background on common interests. These presentations can be viewed below.
- November 3, 2017: "An Overview of NASA's Western Water Applications Office (WWAO)" — Stephanie Granger (Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Western Water Applications Office)(abstract)
- June 13, 2017: "Unsupervised Multi-Scale Change Detection from SAR Imagery for Monitoring Natural and Anthropogenic Disasters" — Dr. Olaniyi Ajadi (Alaska Satellite Facility, University of Alaska Fairbanks)(abstract)
- May 16, 2017: "Space Weather and the Case for a National Strategy" — William Murtagh (Program Coordinator for the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center)(abstract)
- April 25, 2017: "Assimilation of Satellite Precipitation and Soil Moisture Data into the WRF-Noah Model" — Liao-Fan Lin, Hydrology Research Group, Georgia Institute of Technology (abstract)
- November 10, 2016: "WRF-ARW Model Research Towards an Army Weather Running Estimate-Nowcast Capability" — Robert E. Dumais, Jr. and Dr. Ben Maccall, U.S. Army Research Laboratory (abstract)
- August 4, 2016: "The Spatially Generalized Hurricane Outage Prediction Model" — Dr. Brent McRoberts, Department of Geography, Texas A&M University (abstract)
- June 29, 2016: "Overview and Early Results from NASA's Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission" — Dr. George Huffman, Goddard Space Flight Center (abstract)
- April 13, 2016: "Application of a Non-Steady Runoff Method in Landlab: Implications for Modeling Landscape Change" — Jordan M. Adams, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Tulane University (presentation; abstract)
- February 17, 2016: "DeepVision: Using Deep Learning for Earth Science Image Classification/Retrieval" — Manil Maskey, UAHC (abstract)
- February 5, 2015: "Climate Models Go Viral: Simulating Climate and Environmentally Driven Infectious Diseases" — Cory Morin, NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow (presentation)
- January 9, 2014: "Development of Decision-Support Tools for Transportation Infrastructure Adaptation in Response to Climate-Induced Flood" — James Banks, Wyle and Vanderbilt Center for Environmental Management Studies (presentation; abstract)
- August 5, 2013: "Using the WRF-Chem model to Understand the Impact of Saharan Dust Aerosols on Tropical Cyclones" — Aaron Naeger, Atmospheric Science Department, University of Alabama in Huntsville (abstract)
- July 25, 2013: "Earth Observations from the International Space Station: The Teledyne Multiple User System for Earth Sensing (MUSES)" — Dr. Mark Whorton, Teledyne Brown Engineering, Huntsville, AL (abstract)
- May 7, 2013: "A Tool for Constructing Data Albums for Significant Weather Events" — Dr. Rahul Ramachandran, University of Alabama in Huntsville (presentation (14 MB); abstract)
- April 30, 2013: "An Overview of Research Activities Related to the Influence of Stratospheric Intrusions on High Impact Non-Convective Weather Events" — Dr. Emily Berndt, NASA (presentation; abstract)
- December 12, 2012: "New Techniques for High-Resolution Atmospheric Soundings" — Dr. William J. Blackwell, Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (presentation)
- October 16, 2012: "Civil Environmental Monitoring Using Small Low-Cost Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Platform Development and Example Remote Sensing Applications" — Dr. Haiyang Chao, Flight Control Systems Laboratory, West Virginia University (abstract)
- September 11, 2012: "SERVIR Wireless Sensor Network: Enabling Real-time in-situ
Observations for Environmental and Disaster Applications" — Karthik Srinivasan, USRA (presentation; abstract)
- August 31, 2012: "ISERV Pathfinder: A Low-Cost, COTS-Based, Earth-Imaging System Aboard the International Space Station" — Burgess F. Howell, USRA (presentation; abstract)
- May 17, 2012: "Soil Moisture Data Assimilation in the SHEELS Land Surface Model" — Dr. Clay Blankenship, USRA (presentation; abstract)
- May 14, 2012: "NASA's Earth Venture-1 (EV-1) Airborne Science Investigations" — Anthony Guillory, Earth System Science Pathfinder Program Office, NASA LRC (presentation; abstract)
- April 18, 2012: "SPoRT Applications of Suomi NPP Data" — Dr. Gary Jedlovec, NASA SPoRT Center (presentation)
- October 19, 2011: "Weather Modeling Activities at Alaska's Arctic Region Supercomputing Center" — Dr. Don Morton, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Arctic Region Supercomputing Center (presentation; abstract)
- October 13, 2011: "Improved Meteorological Simulations in Support of Air Quality Studies" — Dr. Arastoo Pour Biazar, UAHuntsville, Earth System Science Center (presentation; abstract)
- September 27, 2011: "Improved Convective Initiation Forecasting in the Gulf of Mexico Region through Enhanced uses of NASA Satellite Assets and Artificial Intelligence " — Dr. John Mecikalski, Department of Atmospheric Sciences UAHunstville
- August 25, 2011: "An Introduction to Cloud Computing and NASA Cloud Services from a Science User Perspective" — Dr. Andrew Molthan
- July 26, 2011
- \93Evaluating the Impacts of NASA Atmospheric Infrared Sounder Profiles on Short-Term Forecasts\94— Danielle Kozlowski, University of Missouri presentation; abstract
- \93Developing and Evaluating RGB Composite MODIS Imagery for Applications in National Weather Service Forecast Offices\94 — Hayden Oswald, University of Missouri presentation; abstract
- \93Evaluating the Impacts of NASA/SPoRT Daily Vegetation Fraction on Land Surface Model and Numerical Weather Forecasts\94— Jordan Bell, University of Missouri presentation; abstract
- \93An Overview of Summer Convection over Central Alabama" — Genki Kino, University of Hawaii and NWS Birmingham presentation; abstract
- June 28, 2011: Mapping Tornado Damage Tracks with NASA Satellite Data — Dr. Gary Jedlovec, NASA SPoRT Center and Brian Carcione, National Weather Service (presentation (13 MB); abstract)
- April 25, 2011: Use of Satellite-Derived Smoke Emissions and Aerosol Optical Thickness for Air and Water Quality Decision Support Applications — Dr. Udaysankar S. Nair, Earth System Science Center (presentation; abstract)
- February 3, 2011: ARMOR Dual-Polarimetric Radar Data Assimilation with WRF 3DVAR — Xuanli Li and Dr. John Mecikalski, Department of Atmospheric Sciences UAH
- December 8, 2010: Tools for Tropical Coverage and More at The Weather Channel — Dr. Rick Knabb/Tropical Program Manager and Daniel Dix/Senior Weather Graphics Engineer, The Weather Channel
- November 19, 2010: Brief overview of the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA) & Description of an All-Weather One-Dimensional Variational Assimilation/Retrieval System — Sid Ahmed Boukabara
- March 24, 2010: Update on SPoRT Short-term Forecasting Activities — Dr. Bill Lapenta
- December 9, 2009: Use of Satellite and Aircraft Data in Hurricane Analysis and Forecasting — Jack Beven
- March 11, 2009: Recent Developments on the Assimilation of Satellite Radiances in WRF-Var — Tom Auligné